Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Question Posed....

Okay, so I had a co-worker pose a question that got me thinking. He asked "So which element of the 100 Day Heart Challenge could you do without?"

I had to take a minute and think about the question posed and what it actually means to be to be part of this challenge. With each day of the challenge that passes, I am gaining soooooo much (hopefully not in weight, but knowledge). With the information we are learning in the Nutrition class, monitoring my food, choosing what I eat - with a knowledge of limits and portion sizes, the time I am spending at the gym and workouts through the week, I have come to the conclusion that each element of this program is going to be a necessary and important part to my being healthy and successful in this challenge and throughout my life. It's a myriad of things that need to be equally committed to in order to gain the most success and not be out of balance.

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