Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Feeling a Change!!

Wahooo! I am so glad to be participating in this challenge. While working out at the gym with Dallas, I was excited to get to new levels in my exercise program. I was intimidated when he wanted to hit a level 4 speed on the treadmill and almost panicked. But, I made it through the intervals and actually enjoyed it, and even survived a surprise dose of level 4.2 (twisted, I know!) THREE MINUTES on the Elliptical, not the marathon length of time I see everyone else doing, but hey.... Its an improvement! And the Bio-fit machine, dang! I finally got above the 80 line and held a pretty steady 90 during my intervals on that machine. And the Hand-Bike thing?? Oh man can that machine make the arms burn!!

Again, I can't say enough how glad I am for this challenge and everything it is helping me to accomplish. I feel better, I have a better endurance for exercise and I am seeing little changes in my shape. I love that I am actually looking forward to time working out, and get bummed when something happens to interfere with getting to a gym, but I am finding alternative workouts at home that I can do instead.

Thanks to everyone for your support and your curiosity with my activites while doing this challenge! It's much appreciated!!


  1. That is awesome! It's such a great feeling when you've accomplished a new speed or weight and Dallas gives you that BIG smile and says "I knew you could do it." You're an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work!

  2. You're doing great, keep it up...

  3. Jen we made it through it the arm bike is a scorcher !!!
