Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Pioneer Day!

I celebrated this holiday by getting to the gym today!! I loved getting in a good workout today. I tried to challenge myself as if Dallas were standing next to me at the treadmill. I was having fun playing with the incline and trying to keep the speed up as well. So I hit a level 7 incline with a speed of 3.7 for a couple of rounds.

I am recovering from feeling like crap yesterday. I am absolutely sure that it was my body's revenge from the crap I ate the day before. Lesson learned, for sure!!

We stopped by the store to pick up some much needed veggies for the snacking. We found some amazing looking chicken patties and I am soooo excited to try them in a wrap. I miss having spinach in my house, I LOVE COOKED SPINACH! Also picked up some strawberries and a pineapple. Yummy stuff.
Off to enjoy this yummy looking wrap! Have a great Holiday!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW you made it to the gym on Pioneer Day - I'm so jealous! I went for a 30 minute walk in 95 degree weather. I think my sweating was more from the heat than the exercise, but it was the only time I could exercise that day. Way to pass by the desserts (most days)-your food looked great!
