Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Brand New Day!

I have to post again so soon, especially after the day I had yesterday. I feel recharged, re-energized, and renewed!

It could have been easy to carry on with the negative attitude and continue to spiral down with crappy eating habits. Making better food choices and not being lazy or emotional with my eating habits is helpful. My workout with Dallas was great too, and I managed to avoid the elliptical !! Haha... Kidding, but I know I will face off with that dang machine and I WILL WIN! I hope.... :) I am glad that I made it through without incident. I like the mix of cardio and strength training.

On my way home, I stopped at the market to buy some fresh fruits and veggies. I also picked up some ground chicken, its my favorite ground beef substitute. I am looking forward to some great meals this week, and some time working out. Here's to a better week!

1 comment:

  1. Your positive attitude will make everything better! I agree ground chicken is a good thing - makes great burgers on the grill. Enjoy the 4th and keep up the good work! Janet
