Monday, August 16, 2010

Geez, is it 4pm yet? I need to get to the gym!!!

So, Im here at work and I keep looking at the clock. I actually cannot wait to be off work and get to the gym! Sick! I know!! I Love It!! I was looking at the list of classes tonight... Abs class for sure, cardio then weights. There are a lot of other classes that I would like to try and will get around to (cycling, power pump, turbo-kick, pilates, yoga, etc.) I haven't done yoga for a long time, about 6 years. The last time I did, I dislocated my knee..... during the warm up! How embarassing! I have seen the pilates workouts, but never have done it, and it will probably kick my butt. But I've got to at least try it!

Well, Here's to a good week! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Jen I know it gets in your blood... and yes Dallas should have taken us. !!
