Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Survived Bootcamp!

I love the rain, but with the rain sometimes we end up with water in our window well. When I got home from work yesterday, I had to deal with that. That was a bit stressful! After cleaning that up, I needed an outlet for the stress. So I decided I would go to the gym and try out the Bootcamp class. Today as I write this, I realize in my life prior to this challenge, I probably would have headed for the fridge or pantry to try to deal with this stress.

Anyways, Bootcamp kicked my butt BIG TIME!! It was a good variety of cardio/running/circuit training. Though there were times I had to stop and catch my breath to avoid my chest exploding and/or death, it felt really REALLY good to be doing something at this intensity. It is a little intimidating to be in this kind of class with younger, healthier, better toned and in shape people, but they were all so encouraging with their comments! I really appreciated it and it gave me strength to dig in and fight through it!

Tracking my food intake has also been going well! I am still fighting to get in the 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies. I don't know why, but I have never had the urge to just grab an apple, orange, raw broccoli or carrots, and I have no desire to eat any type of nuts. Fruits and veggies are not bad.... I don't mind them, I guess I just need to make a shift mentally and make it a goal to target those items each day.

1 comment:

  1. Bootcamp, thats awesome!!! Where did you take the class at? I also agree its hard to get 5-9 servings, I dont know if I like 5-9 fruits or vegtables :) Its good to see you at the gym, You are doing Awesome!!
