Monday, August 9, 2010

FINALLY, the scale moved!

Okay, so after weeks of weighing in and staying pretty much the same, this morning I finally can record a loss of 3 lbs!! It's about time! I know the numbers shouldn't be so significant at this point and I am seeing a change in my physical appearance, but I was constantly working for something, ANYTHING! I'll take that 3 lbs and run with it!! And with that, it put's me about 1/3 of my way to goal for the challenge. So I still have lots of work to do.

Last weekend, my husband and I went to an outdoor concert (Colin Haye is awesome!). My son took this picture of us and I have to say for the first time in a really REALLY long time, I like this picture! It's been so long since I have been confident in having a picture taken and not feeling so out of touch with the image in the picture. Thanks to the challenge for this wonderful change!

Tonight I have an appointment to get my butt kicked by Dallas! It should be interesting, as it always is. Dallas is leaving us and going to Hawaii for a summer vacation. I am soooo very jealous! But in the meantime, I'll be here in Utah...working out as if he is right there next to me and not in Hawaii.


  1. Yeah, tell Dallas to try some poke and some spam mushibi :-) and bring some korean bbq plates back for us.

  2. I just saw the "Be Nice Baby" and you were great! Congratulations on the weight loss, but no matter what the scales say - you look AWESOME!
