Wednesday, August 25, 2010

40 is the new 20, Right?

Wow! I just celebrated my 40th Birthday this weekend. I have never been one to dread the century birthdays, and this year is no different. There is one exception however, and that is that I am really enjoying the fact that I am actively trying to eat better and exercise frequently. What a great Birthday Present to give myself! I really do feel better!

We spent a couple of days in St. George, where we relaxed, shopped (for new clothes in a new size!), spent time in the fitness center, and I made a new friend! My new friend is the elliptical machine, as we managed to spend 30 minutes getting to know each other! That is the longest time I have ever been able to work out on one. Granted, it was at level one the whole time, but I worked at a steady "jog" pace, and survived to write about it. I really enjoyed being able to get some exercise time in while away, and realized how good it made me feel.

Now, back at home and back to real life.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! and Congrats on the Elliptical! I don't know if I will ever be friends with it. We are more Frienemeys

  2. I think I am liking the ellipticals more and more because they are not so hard on my ankles. Keep it Jen!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. WOOHOO A girl with my mind set !! And I BELEIVE that 40's are the new 20's
