Monday, October 4, 2010

A New Challenge!

I have committed myself to continue with all the things we worked on during the 100 Day Heart Challenge. I will continue to blog as some of my other challenge team-mates are doing. I think getting through the first 100 days was a bit of a challenge in keeping to the rules, but it really gave me enough time to kind of falter and find things that don't work, and make the change to something that does work and make it part of everyday life for me.

I have continued to hit the gym about 4-5 days a week, trying to do at least 30-45 minutes of cardio followed by 30-45 minutes of weights. Then a couple times a week I like to get the the classes offered at the gym. I am working with an application on my phone that is training that takes place over 9 weeks, with intervals of running and walking. All with the intent that when finished, I will be able to run a 5k without stopping or slowing to walk! So far, week one done - eight more weeks to go!

I weighed in this morning with about 3 lbs lost this last week. Wahoo! I'll take that!! Now, I am only 6 lbs away from no longer being OBESE, according to my BMI chart.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lost .... now Found!

We have completed our 100 Day Heart Challenge sponsored by Intermountain Healthcare, and we now have the chance to move forward in our lives and take what we have learned and apply that each day. For me, I lost 10 pounds, lost 6.5 inches around my waist, lowered my overall cholesterol level, lowered my blood pressure, and decreased my pulse rate. Wow! Incredible! What I found was confidence to be active, confidence and strength to walk-jog, (affectionately called wogging) and to know that I can do this!

Okay, so I post this picture with hesitation. My husband took this picture just over a year ago at his company work party. I was VERY self conscious about how I looked, I knew I was overweight and felt every pound of it. I had lost some weight prior to beginning this challenge and mentioned to my husband that I wished I had taken some "before" pictures.... his enthusiatic reply was "OH, I have a before picture for you". bleeecchhh.... I cannot believe he didn't delete it right after he took it!! But I am glad I have this reminder of what I become when I give up.

I really enjoyed the challenge of the 5k race this past Saturday. I was nervous, but excited to see if I could get a better time than I have previously "wogging" on the treadmill for the 3.1 miles. I finished at 43:23 and have the picture to prove it :)

I had a great time with this challenge, most of the time *wink*. It was a great experience. I cannot wait to see what the next 100 days brings!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Well, here we all are at the last of this challenge. I am curious to see the information that comes back with our weigh-out tomorrow. I haven't seen big changes in my weight numbers, though I am excited about the little numbers of weight loss that I have seen. At first, I was frustrated. But I can see changes in other areas, and I think the weight will continue to drop as long as I continue on this road. I am curious to see the other changes as well with cholesterol, body analysis (fat vs muscle ratio), blood pressure, etc.

I know I have written this plenty of times, but I still am sooooo excited that my training includes the occassional jogging on the treadmill. I can't believe how it kicks my butt when I do jog, but hey I'm doing it!! I did renew my gym membership and plan to continue my workouts, and increase my intensity. Dang, I do love those ABS classes!! Who knows where this will take me, I am just excited for the journey!!

I just want to post a THANK YOU for the opportunity to have been invited to partake in this challenge. I also want to thank everyone for their support, kind word, and encouragement! Dallas, you have been such a great help in this challenge! I appreciate your challenges in the workouts and you encouraging each on of us to push past the pain to get to our new levels in the workouts! And my workout buds, you ladies are amazing!! I love getting the chance to get to know you and see all of us progress and move to do new and wonderful things!

Raise your glasses - *Cheers* - Here's to a new healthier us!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am NOT ready for this to end!

GEEEEEEZ! I am NOT ready for this challenge to come to an end. I mean, I know that I will work hard to continue with the good habits that we have learned in nutrition classes, from Dallas during our training sessions, and my workouts at the gym. But I am not ready to say "goodbye" to the great people I have been lucky enough to meet and work with during this challenge!

I am sooooo appreciative of the things I have learned, the motivation I have to get to the gym and workout, the energy I have to just function daily, and the confidence I have gained. I have said it before...but who would have guessed that I have been able to work up to jogging for intervals. My knees have always given me trouble. But with this training, I have been able to accomplish something I that I always joked would happen "in my next lifetime". Well, maybe my next lifetime is here, and I just need to "RUN with it" (pun intended).

Thanks again to everyone! This has been life changing!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

5k Anyone??

So, I get a text at 00:to early - o'clock this morning from Dallas wanting us ladies to meet him later on today at the track............... Yikes. So I guess we'll get a taste of a real 5k workout outside of the gym! Should be interesting and I hope I survive! I packed my running shoes and can't wait to see how it goes!

Still cannot believe that this is almost coming to an end! I love that I have met some really wonderful people during this challenge and it has been great to see some of the accomplishments and changes we have each made during this time! And, even though my numbers with my weight haven't been off the charts, I know there has been a change!

Keep up the great work everyone!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where does the time go?

Wow, we are three quarters of the way through this challenge! I cannot believe how time has flown by, and I still have sooooo much work to do! But, like I have come to realize, this 100 days is just a beginning to the next 15,000 days of my life (give or take a day or two).

It has been a crazy week at work, first recovering from taking a couple of days off. And then there is the co-worker of mine who decided to give birth two weeks early! Can you believe the nerve of her AND the baby? Kidding for sure! We are glad that she delivered a happy, healthy little boy! So, it's been like hitting the treadmill running while set at 8.0. I'm just trying to keep up, keep things organized, keep up on the billing, and keep meds stocked for the hospital. No stress, right?

I have struggled in getting to the gym during this week. I need to get back into the swing of things, not spend so much time at work and put it back into its rightful priority spot in my life. I miss it, and feel the difference of not getting there. I loved getting there tonight and working out with Dallas! He has been great to challenge me during this challenge! Thanks Dallas for all you do!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

40 is the new 20, Right?

Wow! I just celebrated my 40th Birthday this weekend. I have never been one to dread the century birthdays, and this year is no different. There is one exception however, and that is that I am really enjoying the fact that I am actively trying to eat better and exercise frequently. What a great Birthday Present to give myself! I really do feel better!

We spent a couple of days in St. George, where we relaxed, shopped (for new clothes in a new size!), spent time in the fitness center, and I made a new friend! My new friend is the elliptical machine, as we managed to spend 30 minutes getting to know each other! That is the longest time I have ever been able to work out on one. Granted, it was at level one the whole time, but I worked at a steady "jog" pace, and survived to write about it. I really enjoyed being able to get some exercise time in while away, and realized how good it made me feel.

Now, back at home and back to real life.